Welcome to 2020

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2020
Here we are again at the beginning of a new year and, although there is debate about it, I’m going to go with the “new decade” theme too!

Let us all take some time, to consider what it is we hope to achieve this year. Better health, a promotion at work, maybe a career change. Maybe you are looking to retire this year, or simply move from full-time to part time work. Will this be the year where you finally start that business you’ve been wanting to launch? There are so many options open to us all. Remember, when considering your options, always take into account what you really want to do. Life is far to short to spend it in a job or career that makes you unhappy. We spend so much of our time working, we should be working somewhere where we feel appreciated, fulfilled and where we mostly enjoy working. (I recognize that no work place or job is perfect – but if we can at least get 80% good and 20% meh – we are doing okay)

How you feel about your work place and your job, does have a direct effect on your health. Not only do we all need a work life balance, but we also need workplaces that are supportive and enjoyable places to be.
So take a moment to think about where you work. Is it a place that makes you happy and where you feel appreciated? Or are you filled with dread at the thought of going there? Is there something you can do to improve your work place? Or is it time to cut your losses and move on?

Only you can answer these questions – and only you know whether you are okay with the culture where you work and how your work life balance is working for you and your family.

I just want to suggest that as we step into this new year, you really think about where you are at, and where you want to be. If your current job just isn’t cutting it for you – dust off that resume and starting looking for a position that really meets your needs. Life is short ~ enjoy it!

Good Luck.

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