World Gratitude Day September 21st
Gratitude is not something we often think about. We are all so busy striving for the next big thing, be it a promotion or new career, a bigger, better house/car/boat/holiday/flat screen tv or whatever.
Just for a change, instead of thinking about the next “thing” we want, could we all just take a moment and be thankful for the things we have?
For most of us, (not all of us I agree), we can be thankful for having a roof over our heads, food on our table and the ability to pay for both. Transport to get around on, be it a humble bicycle, a car or buses, trains or Uber. We have clothes to wear, shoes on our feet, not to mention a body that, for the most part, is healthy and allows us to do the things we want to do, within reason. And of course we have family and/or friends and if we are really lucky we have both.
So let’s just take a moment and express our gratitude, take stock and enjoy the things we do have.
I for one am grateful to be able to wish you all a Happy World Gratitude Day