Happy New Year 2018
Happy New Year 2018
Here we are again, standing at the cusp of a brand new sparkly year, filled with promise and hope.
As we dust ourselves off from the New Year celebrations our minds turn to those inevitable “New Year Resolutions” that so many of us make with fevered determination on Jan 1st. Only to notice by Feb 1st they seem to have disappeared into oblivion, leaving us feeling a little deflated and even somewhat disappointed in ourselves.
I say this year, it is time to ditch the resolutions altogether! No more “this year I will lose 15 kilos, join a gym and finally, spend time in my garden, investigating whether or not any actual plants remain alive, in the sea of weeds that took over, this past year!”
No, No, NO! This year will be different.
I have but one plan for this year (note, I did not call it a resolution). My plan is
“Be Kind To Me” that’s it. Simple isn’t it?
I am going to treat myself kindly this year.
I am going to eat well as often as I can, because that is a kind thing to do for my body.
I am going to exercise gently when I can, because that will keep my body in good working order.
I am not going to beat myself up, if I skip exercising for a day or two, or if I splurge and have Macca’s for dinner one night, because I am tired and can’t be bothered cooking.
I am going to practice the fine art of saying “NO” to things I really do not want to do. “Thank you for the invitation to yet another Candle Party, sorry I can’t make it that day!”
I am going to spend more time, with the people who bring joy to my life and less time with those who don’t.
I will celebrate the achievements I make and remind myself that “failures” are not really failures at all, they are simply lessons and we all learn far more from failure that we do from success.
Oh, and about the garden full of weeds… well it will still be there next year right?