The Voice Referendum ~ 14th October 2023

For what it is worth here is my take on the upcoming referendum.

If you are enrolled to vote in Australia, you must be 18 years of age, or older.  Therefore, you are an adult.  As an adult, it would be reasonable to presume that you would have the opportunity, and the capacity to gather and evaluate information from both sides, in order to make an informed decision on whether you wish to vote YES or vote NO.

That’s it folks, put simply, check out the information for both sides of the argument and make up your own mind.  Vote whichever way aligns with your values, and your understanding of the information.

As an intelligent, thinking adult you have the right to make this decision for yourself.  Other people have the right to proffer their opinions, but this does not mean that you need to follow what they say, whichever agenda they are pushing. And there are high profile people out there pushing both the Yes and the No sides.

Let us be honest about this, if you vote YES there will be people who will tell you that you are wrong, and if you vote NO there will be people who will tell you that you are wrong.  So basically, whichever way you vote, you’ll be cheesing someone off.

Frankly, I have a real issue with people being told which way they should vote on anything.  We live in a democracy, which means we have the right to decide these things for ourselves.

So, after considering all of the above, my advice is read/listen to all the information available from both sides, and vote whichever way aligns with your beliefs and values.

Please remember that it is no one else’s business how you vote, and you don’t owe anyone an explanation on why you voted a particular way.

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